Friday, June 20, 2008


I told you my phone was going to die! And hey, I actually got you on your cell! Amazing! What I was going to say is coming in an e-mail...right after I finish typing this and looking at my other blogs. Gotta tell you, kinda creepy now. I am on a secret dangerous, possible fatal, mission and now I have completely lost contact with my flock. At least you guys read this here.

Hopefully the computer doesn't crash...three more days..three more days...

Sorry my phone hung up on you. I wanted to throw it out the window and stomp on it before a car came a squashed it.

If you want me to call tomorrow let me know when. I might be really busy though because of the rehearsal. Anya won't be going...grrr. She's sick. Probably from the air. She has no energy left. (literally...)

Anyway, I miss you and really wish I was there right now. Mission is halfway complete.
Wish me luck for tomorrow! (and Saturday)

I love you.



Thought in a Cup said...

Well near death expeirenceseses is better than what i do all day (sleep) I have an awesome scary thing.

I phase rapidly occasionly so i appear like a hologram and say with Soahc in his soft spooky voice, "I am the one who hides in shadows. I am the one who cames out at moonrise. I... Am...(I phase for a second and appear behind them) CHAOS!" I yell behind them. I open my mouth and snarl, revealing my large fangs. Person runs away screaming. I do that to people walking down dark alleys at night. I am such a demon. People usually run of screaming that. "DEMON!

The mischevious Chaos

P.S. That is why Chaos suits me.

Nudge said...
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Spirit said...