Friday, July 18, 2008


Is the third and final book of the inheritance series... Eragon...Eldest...Brisingr? hmmmm..six letter 'e' words and Brisingr....odd...i was in the book store and saw the latest edition of Eragon...said the third book Brisingr comes out 9/08/2008



Fly on Forever...Sonar Style



Unknown said...

I saw that Yesterday...because I bought Eldest... yesterday... because I haven't read them... until now...

there are too many books in the world..I wish I could read them all and remember them all as well. I'd probably be the smartest person alive...but that'll never happen so...I think I'll stick with being Echo the defect. Woo!


I love you Sonar

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Not only for Brisinger, but for ME BEING BAAACCCCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (heehee. many exclamation!) You have been mean lately Sonar. (2 reasons among others for Sonar's meanness) Not only do you leave sarcastic/meanly blunt comments on my blog, you name a falcon Vycomensh or whatever (i forget the exact name) That poor bird! Geez. Sorry, didn't want this to be a mean comment (like yours) but I feel for that bird.
Ok, see ya!
PS-I got Echo on my blog as co-authoress, so I'm wondering if she'll email me your and Ray's emails so I can add them too... Can you ask her? You talk to her a lot more than I do.

Anonymous said...

I mean PPS- KISSY KISS!!!!
sorry about that grammatical error

Spirit said... and Echo were talking about the third book today at the book store...Welcome back Storm!

Anonymous said...

I mean PPS- KISSY KISS!!!!
sorry about that grammatical error
(in case you didn't know, PS stands for 'post script' as in after the letter, so PPS is 'post-post script'. I have no clue what PSS means... maybe 'post small script' or 'post super script'. I don't know. Although all my scripts are super... and modest) SHUT UP I SEE YOU LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

.... so his name is Vyomesh...and it who has conquered the sky....or something like that.... it is actually a really AWESOME name...and i said we should start looking for.... so...sonar no mean...

Spirit said...

...Sonar can be mean...