Saturday, July 19, 2008


So... bubbles can fly without wings... right?


he can change his wing color... like me.

and i got a PUMA CUB!!!!!! meooooooooooooow!




Thought in a Cup said...

To many animals. Lol. And some of those skills are weird. But then out of my few make me practically invinsible. Like phasing.

Chaos Darke

Spirit said... are now a copy cat...I have a cougar cub...and pumas and cougars are the SAME THING....

Just Me said...

...NO MORE ANIMALS!! Echo is going to start sleeping on the roof if this keeps up...which is actually a rock...because our house is in the side of a mountain...on mars of course...

And ray, lighten up, he only added ONE more...whereas you add a million a day...

Did she ever mention how many animals I DONT let her keep??

Silence? A little control here?