Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I have learned some things today that i feel you should all know.

  • Echo does not need mountain dew first thing in the morning
  • If echo does get mountain dew first thing in the morning.... look out
  • People can be really stupid
  • "He's smart because he reads the math book" really isn't all that funny... especially the thirtieth time you hear it
  • my double advanced math class is full of idiots
  • Se rappeller does not mean to rappel oneself.... it means to remember
  • My history teacher hates my class... because it is once again full of idiots.....not as bad as Storm's though..... i understand that class is dreadful
  • English is really boring ........
  • i don't like having my hair molested
  • Ashley is weird
  • Echo is weird
  • laila is weird
  • random people that sit at our table.... weird
  • i wish drivers ed went as fast as graphic design.... or vice versa
  • science is really weird when you have the teacher i do

That's about it....

I LOVE ECHO!!!!!!!!!


Storm said...

indeed. echo+mountian dew= look out.
and yes my class is full of morons.
and 'she's smart because she reads the dictionary' isn't that funny either.

Just Me said...

Echo+ Mountain Dew = YAY and I CAN control myself...when I concentrate real hard. Seriously though, it really is the combination of realizing I have mountain dew, getting a mountain dew (those can be combined depending on how you look at them) and the caffine from the mountain dew that make me hyper. And I'm not that bad when I am in school...

And Sonar, at least they don't rape you...(poke poke poke poke poke....) Who came up with that anyway?

You can read a math book and be really stupid...

No se rappeller does not mean to rappel oneself....( I laughed a lot at that one)