Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Cruz said..

Sonar I just read your last 2 posts and comments and you're ruining my very real and justified predjudice stereotype i have all teenage guyz.

Sonar says:

and what exactly would that be?
i enjoy ruining stereotypes...

and it was snowing today....I CAN EVEN SHOW YOU.... wait let me find the pics....ummmm now where are they? ........*looks through half of computer files then realizes they are still on the camera* he he woops!

but now it's raining and i didn't get to play in the snow! oh well..... i will go stand in the rain.... that's fun. TRY IT

once again i wanted to say something but COMPLETELY forgot soooooooooooooo.....


OH! while i am thinking of it..... Silvertip.... can i use that e-mail to send the invite to? or no.


I love Echo



Just Me said...

pretty picture

...It's cold outside. But It was fun to walk around in. I like the wind...just the wond plus cold is a little crappy...but the leaves swirling around makes it so cool to be outside...

I have a very cute little black dog looking at me, just waiting for me to through the ball. Gotta go!

Just Me said...




Storm said...

what stereotypes indeed?
sonar IS weird. not as weird as ME, of course, but compared to NORMAL people, he's pretty strange.
and sonar, it didn't snow THAT much. did you fly to montana or somewhere? 'cause there was like an 8th of an inch for like ten seconds. then it melted/was washed away.
and standing in the rain IS fun. i think its one of my favorite ways to think... good thing my laptop's waterproof. hey sonar don't get hit by lightning! *mutters* that's my job...

Anonymous said...

no lightning?
why not?
for awhile....HEHE IT'S FUN!

Anonymous said...

That would be so cool to see sonar and storm get hit by lighting!!!

Jordaniya778 said...

Hey Sonar. Nice profile picture, hmmm, wonder what you really look like. LOL. JK. Anyways, come check out my blog sometime.

Anonymous said...

ummm if you want to know what i look like...scroll down on the blog... i put up pics of echo and me....

and i have been struck by lightning

Cruz said...

Yesterday I confused several different people with my comments. I responded on my blog... but then I remembered the question was on YOUR blog not mine. I've just been off lately. sorry. here's clarification... I just meant your a considerate and sweet boyfriend, where most guys aren't, at least the ones I've dated. was that still confusing? Storm and I have decided to be single together and that'll show 'em... who we're showing, I have no idea.

Storm: Sonar's weird? That's a pretty strong statement coming from YOU. idk is he weird like personality? or, you know, the fact he has wings?