Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The crocodile cannot move his tongue. The whole tongue is rooted to the base of his mouth. So he can’t stick out his tongue at you, but you can always stick your tongue out at him.

Most tropical marine fish could survive in a tank filled with human blood.

A group of rattlesnakes is called a rhumba.

It has been declared by Parliament that sending a letter with a postage stamp bearing the likeness of the queen (or king) is an act of treason if the stamp is stuck on upside down.

One for storm: The British royal family changed their last name to Windsor from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha during World War I so as not to appear pro-German. They have never changed it back.

A gang of elks; A cast or kettle of hawks; A mob of emus; A brood of hens; A business or fesnyng of ferrets; A drift or parcel of hogs; A charm of finches; A smack of jellyfish


Storm said...

cool. and a group of unicorns is called a glory!
and oh here's my favorite: a murder of crows! wheeeeee
what candy is your fave? i don't like very many, so MUCH TRADING

Anonymous said...