Thursday, June 12, 2008


Questionnaire said...
Here are some questions you all can answer.
What is the worst lab experience you've had?
What was the happiest moment of your life?
How long has the school been on your backs?
What is you favoirte song?
Can you sleep while flying?
Have you been to Ireland?
Have you ever ridden a giraffe?
Can you really breathe in space without an oxwgen suit thing?
Thanks thats all.



What totally random questions!
1. Worst lab experience- all of it, being there, best part is between meeting Echo and leaving.
2. Happiest moment- well i have had a lot, but recently it was hangin out with echo at the carnival
3. school- ALWAYS ( thought that was obvious)
4. favorite song- none favorite artist though has to be Billy Joel
5. Ireland- how freakin random is that?! no we have flown over it though.
6. giraffe- even more random. no i can fly, i don't need to ride a giraffe
7. oxygen- ...

Thank you for questioning, and furthering my post count

ROCK ON HUMANS (non creepy non stalker ones anyways)

I love Echo


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